
Maritime Resources is committed to maximizing value for shareholders through sustainable resource development by building positive legacies and minimizing impacts of its activities on the environment. We will strive to deliver employee and community prosperity, while developing a work culture that values human rights, equality, and diversity.

Cna Mine Eng Technician Group Web


We will invest in the development of our employees at all levels to provide a productive work environment that is respectful, fair and to high ethical standards.

Environment Web


We will minimize our operating footprint, and invest in mitigating the impacts of our operations on the natural environment.

2022 Bursaries Pic Web


We will engage with our educators and youth to enhance and enrich the learning environment and provide meaningful student employment.

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Health & Safety

We will identify and mitigate hazards to ensure healthy and safe workplaces for our employees, contractors and visitors.

Kings Point Web


We will ensure transparent engagement to build lasting relationships with local communities, collecting feedback to continuously improve.

Environment Web

Local Economy

We will provide opportunities for existing business, support new business development and maximize local hiring.

Sustainability Report