
As a responsible resource developer, Maritime remains focused on minimizing operational footprints for all projects, and for all phases of development.  Our investment will always include measures to minimize potential impacts of our operations on the natural environment, and mitigation strategies which aid in future rehabilitation and biodiversity.

Operationally, our planned use of ore sorting technology will remove waste dilution from future run-of-mine feed producing a concentrated product for transport to Maritime’s gold mill at Pine Cove.  Keeping this dilution at the mine greatly reduces truck traffic and greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 50%.  Tailings from gold processing will be managed in an existing and fully permitting tailings impoundment area also located at Pine Cove.

Provincial Environmental Assessment Approval

Provincial Ev

The Hammerdown site, having less than a 3 square kilometer footprint, was subject to a comprehensive provincial environment assessment.  Key results from the study indicated:

  • no flora or fauna species at risk;
  • no fish habitat;
  • non-acid generating waste rock; 

Our access to clean hydroelectricity, and planned ore sorting technology will significantly diminish annual greenhouse gas emissions to less than 15kt annually.

Regulatory And Permitting

At Hammerdown:

  • All major permitting has been completed for Maritime’s Hammerdown Project. 
  • Additional routine permitting which supports construction of planned infrastructure will commence upon a development decision.

At Pine Cove:

  • The Pine Cove Mill is permitted for 1280 tpd production;
  • The Pine Cove Pit is a permitted tailings management facility;
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Pursuant to the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Protection Act (Part X), the “Hammerdown Gold Project – Environmental Assessment Registration” was submitted on July 6, 2020.